Season of Wonder


Season of Wonder is a cine-poetic work that situates us amongst the irregular cycles of a destabilized world.  It intertwines that which I witness with that which I imagine. A perceptual blur arises, where the freakish quietly morphs into the everyday. I am working in the area of unnatural history in an intervened place. Cycles of time are disrupted, and loss is complicated with the spark of possibilities.

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My practice involves both studio and fieldwork. With my camera, I explore liminal spaces and fringe ecosystems on bike rides and walks in New York City. In rural areas, I stalk and videotape birds, insects, and other animals. In Season of Wonder, some of the scenes are manipulated and combined with animation, yet feel natural, and some untouched natural scenes read as manipulated.  In this fifth season, a fluctuating new world emerges.

This piece is intended for both projected cinematic installation and cinematic viewing.

©2015 | 8 minutes